Magazine / Off the Beaten Path

  • ​Take This iMac And That iMac And That iMac And That MacBook Pro And That iPad And That iPhone and The iCloud And Shove It…

    Pam Pollock
    September 2018
    It’s no secret that I am not an electronics savvy person. I can muddle along and fake that I possess a smidgen of knowledge about iPhones and computers. But I don’t. I really, really don’t. Back in May, my very, very old iMac bit the dust as...
  • ​Musings On A Sunny Saturday Morning…

    Pam Pollock
    August 2018
    It’s Saturday morning on yet another deadline weekend. I have the entire August issue of Movin’ Out done – except for, you guessed it, my column. I have about half a dozen topics running through my head but I can’t pick which one to start w...
  • ​Thanking My Vet

    Pam Pollock
    July 2018
    To a little girl, your Daddy is always your Hero and as you age, those thoughts never change. My Dad worked very long hours to provide for our family, often working 2 jobs to make ends meet. His love shines through for us in all that he does. You p...
  • ​You Wear It Well…

    Pam Pollock
    June 2018
    It’s a pretty well known fact that I like to bust my spouse’s stones. I do so whenever the occasion presents itself. I especially like to rub his nose in the fact that he is 3 years older than me. Steve turned SIXTY the first of May and of cou...
  • ​You’re Killin’ Me, Smalls…(AKA The Column Where I Get To Complain About EVERYTHING)

    Pam Pollock
    May 2018
    My daughter recently informed me (and a roomful of family members) that I have no filter. I actually do have a filter – but sometimes I choose to turn it off. It’s true, I do have a tendency to speak my mind and sometimes I just can’t sugarco...
  • ​You Were My Favorite Hello – And My Hardest Goodbye…

    Pam Pollock
    April 2018
    Preface: I’ve always wished I could cry prettily like Demi Moore’s character in Ghost. She is all misty-eyed and then a single teardrop streams down her face. I am an ugly crier. My face distorts and my nose turns red. My chest heaves and I m...
  • ​This Isn’t Real Life…

    Pam Pollock
    March 2018
    I got hit with that nasty stomach virus four days ago, right in the absolute middle of my crunch time deadline. Today is the first time that I have felt semi-human. For the 1st 37 hours, if I wasn’t running to the bathroom, (I know TMI), I was zo...
  • ​So This Is Love…

    Pam Pollock
    February 2018
    Cinderella found true love whilst dancing at the ball with her Prince Charming – just before the clock struck midnight and she had to make that mad dash down the staircase. She and her Prince even sang about it: So this is love, mmm So this is lo...
  • ​In A Field Of Horses – YOU Are A Unicorn!

    Pam Pollock
    January 2018
    We celebrated my Mom’s 80th Birthday five days ago with a family party. Of course I had to have a theme. (Birthday parties ALWAYS require a theme!) I didn’t want to do just an “80” theme – I want something to convey just how special and m...
  • ​I’d Join In the Merriment – But, It’s Too Peopley Outside….

    Pam Pollock
    December 2017
    Ahhhh, the holidays! As I type this column it is a cold and dreary morning, one week before Thanksgiving. The holidays have unofficially started. The Hallmark Channel has been broadcasting Christmas movies since Halloween. I’ve been Christmas sh...
  • ​Kiss The Cook (And Then Order Takeout)…

    Pam Pollock
    November 2017
    It’s fall and people are slowly backing away from their outdoor grills (well, most people are done with throwing burgers and streaks on the open fire but there’s always some renegades, including my spouse, who are standing outside in -4º weather...
  • ​Turn Around Bright Eyes (It’s A Total Eclipse Of The Sun!)

    Pam Pollock
    October 2017
    Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you are probably aware that there was a solar eclipse of the sun this past August 21st. A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth. The moon appears to completely cover th...
  • ​Growing Old Is Mandatory - Growing Up Is Optional…

    Pam Pollock
    September 2017
    So, yeah – I am still on a kick about my recent birthday AGAIN this month! It’s been exactly two weeks since my “body odometer” clicked and clanked and I am officially 56 years old. Which, according to my granddaughter Mackenna, is “really,...
  • ​Life Is A Highway – And I Wanna Ride It All Night Long…

    Pam Pollock
    August 2017
    In exactly three weeks I will be celebrating my birthday. For years I hated birthdays – I mean, hey, I am getting OLD! Old, I tell you, like sagging, bagging skin and drooping body parts and those annoying brown age spots (that fascinate my 4.5 y...
  • ​Eco Flaps Selected As Preferred Aerodynamic Mud Flap Provider For Wabash National Van Trailers

    July 2017
    Brentwood, TN… Eco Flaps aerodynamic splash guards have been named a preferred provider of aerodynamic mud flaps by Wabash National for its commercial dry and refrigerated van trailers. Eco Flaps offers fleets an unmatched product specifically desi...
  • ​On Golden Pond…

    Pam Pollock
    July 2017
    There’s something magical about being outdoors and experiencing nature. My daughter, son-in-law and their three children recently built a new home in a beautiful setting surrounded by trees and a huge pond. My daughter planted water lilies last ye...
  • ​Volvo Truck’s 2017 Ride For Freedom Truck

    June 2017
    Volvo Trucks’ New River Valley (NRV) assembly plant in Dublin, Virginia unveiled the design of its 2017 Ride for Freedom truck featuring the all new VNR model, which accompanied a motorcade of about 160 motorcycles from the plant to Washington, D.C...
  • ​Be The Drummer….

    Pam Pollock
    June 2017
    Lately I have been getting slips of paper included with graduation notices and bridal and baby shower invitations asking me to share my advice/guidance/knowledge. The funny thing is, I am probably the last person to ask for advice – I’m almost 5...
  • ​Food, Glorious Food!

    Pam Pollock
    May 2017
    If you have been a regular reader of my column over the past 28 (!!) years, I think it’s fairly obvious by now that I am not a high-society, classy lady. In fact, I own my redneck, hillbilly title quite proudly! Suffice to say, I am also not known ...
  • ​29,220 Days Old (But Who’s Counting)…

    Pam Pollock
    April 2017
    Dad, we just celebrated your 80th (!!) birthday eight days ago. I collected memories and wishes from friends and families to make a poster board for you and while I added a couple of snippets myself, I saved my memories for this column. Where do I b...