Magazine / Off the Beaten Path
Ramblin’ On…
The past two months have been busy for me, I’ve been traveling around to media events in Texas, South Dakota and the central part of Pennsylvania. I’m not a savvy traveler – and if I am driving, I tend to get lost very easily and very frequen... -
Look At Me Now!
Oh hey there – it’s me, still playing Laura Ingalls Wilder over here on the Homestead when I am not playing Editor and Photographer and about 4 other roles at Movin’ Out… I’ve been on a roll lately puttering around the Homestead. It all... -
The British Are Coming, The British Are Coming! No, Wait… Never Mind
My ancestry on both sides of my family is primarily Irish and I have the temper to back up that claim. Pollock, my married name, is not Polish, despite most people thinking it is and pronounce my surname, “Pole-lock”. (The correct pronuncia... -
The Book of Glad
In the 40 years of knowing my mother-in-law (who died last August), it is only after she died that I have discovered that we actually shared many of the same traits and tastes. (I am going to write in the present tense, it’s just easier.) We are ... -
Ricky Don’t Lose My Number…
This month’s column is dedicated to everyone who is tech savvy. Sadly, my spouse and I are not in that elite group. I’m not talking just about cellphones, either. We struggle on a daily (if not hourly) basis with just about every electronic... -
Don’t Touch My Decorative Towels, Man!
Back when I was a newlywed, 40 years ago, a family came to our house trying to sell us a vacuum cleaner. The wife was so happy explaining everything in detail. They left that night without a sale – my spouse and I could not even afford a TV at ... -
And We Were Fabulous, Fabulous…
It’s the week before Christmas as I write this column. I don’t have a single present wrapped and my spouse cringes every time he sees a mail, FedEx, UPS or Amazon Prime delivery truck pull into our driveway. The Homestead is bedecked in holid... -
A Dickens Of A Life…
This time of year always makes me nostalgic. There’s something about winter that tugs at my heart. I like the cold, crisp air and the fluffy white snow that envelops the ground. I get giddy at the sight of icicles hanging from trees and porch... -
The Luckiest Girl In The World
As I have mentioning in my 33.5 years of writing this column, family is EVERYTHING to me. It’s a thought shared by my husband and something that we instilled in our children and my daughter, and her husband are now teaching their children. Last... -
What Not To Wear…
I was a little indecisive about what I should title this month’s column as I had several options swirling about in my head: I Shipped My Pants was the strangest one and really didn’t fit the topic, but it gave me fits of giggles as I recalled tha... -
I Belong Among The Wildflowers
Tom Petty nailed it on the head – I DO belong among the wildflowers. I belong somewhere I am free. My heart is so joyful when I am meandering down paths in the woods or traipsing through meadows of wildflowers. I love to rise before the sun o... -
I Shaved My Legs For This?
Country Western singer Deanna Carter had a hit song in 1996 asking, “Did I Shave My Legs For This”? She sings about getting all gussied up and then her man expects her to crack open a cold one for him and fry him some bacon in the skillet. Girl... -
I’m Free… Falling…
I’ve always been surprised that my photo does not appear in the dictionary next to the words: scared, neurotic, anxious, crazy, insecure. It’s true, I am all of these things and so much more. I have more phobias than Doan’s has pills. But som... -
You Serious, Clark?
Not gonna lie to you, my life is kinda like living with the Griswolds. I’m not just talking about my family, but interactions with some crazies out there in the big old world… Now, granted, sometimes it’s just some tiny, irritating things t... -
Don’t Tell Mom!
“Don’t tell Mom!” Growing up as the youngest of three kids (and the only girl), my older brothers implored that of me… a lot, especially the brother who is three years older than me. I was a teeny, tiny, scrawny, sickly kid and when my s... -
He Don’t Need No Rockin’ Chair…
My Dad just celebrated his 85th Birthday in early March. I can say with all honesty that he ain’t your average 85 year old! He’s out there dancing in a leprechaun hat and beard with his great-grandkids. He’s still going trekking through t... -
Just Breathe…
As I navigate my way through this new life without my Mom, I am at times awash with such grief and anxiety that I struggle to put one foot in front of the other to continue my journey. When my Mom was in the hospital, and we were unable to see he... -
You Were An Angel In The Shape Of My Mom
My Mom died at 12:44 am on January 3rd. My Mom died. No matter how many times I have thought those words, said those words, and yes, even screamed those words – each time is like a knife is stuck in my heart. My.Mom.Died and this 60 year old da... -
I Ponder As I Wander…
I am writing this column exactly seven days before Christmas Eve. It’s newspaper deadline day and I have been working at Movin’ Out for thirty-nine years now and I swear that this monthly deadlines just keep coming earlier and earlier. It’s bee... -
Where Are You Christmas, Why Can’t I Find You?
It’s no secret that 2020 (and for that matter, most of 2021) stink, stank, stunk… No amount of air freshener or Poo-pourri would ever be able to conceal the stench that has been lingering for the past 20+ months. Last Christmas was definitely one...