Magazine / A Likely Story

  •  “The Woman Behind The Man Behind The Wheel”

    Roger Clark
    August 2021
    Country music legend Red Sovine recorded “The Woman Behind The Man Behind The Wheel” in 1977, a top-100 pick on the Billboard Charts. Already famous for “Giddyup Go” (1965), “Phantom 309”, (1967), and “Teddy Bear” (1976), “Woman Beh...
  • “It’s Funny Now”

    Roger Clark
    July 2021
    Driving for a large national carrier often leaves me feeling uncomfortably visible or unusually anonymous. I often appear to be the lead mouse, in our highway rat race, or completely invisible. Particularly on the scene of an incident or accident, it...
  • Shadows In The Night

    Roger Clark
    June 2021
    It was the pre-dawn hours in Charleston, South Carolina, and a wrong turn led to a deserted parking lot. Carefully working my 53-foot trailer around concrete curbs and lamp posts, I suddenly felt a giant shadow envelop the truck. Stopping the truck a...
  • “Road Test”

    Roger Clark
    May 2021
    Every driver applying for a job with any carrier is required to do a road test. Every examiner for a road test must have some experience. And finally, every manager tasked with road test documentation must be able to accept results that include ear p...
  • “Right Of Way”

    Roger Clark
    April 2021
    One of the most vexing questions in today’s socially-torn, economically unstable, politically fractured world is: who has the right-of-way? Is it the vehicle to our right, or a hundred-thousand-dollar Cadillac on your left? Is it a vehicle with the...
  • Teenagers And Trucking

    Roger Clark
    March 2021
     A lifetime member of OOIDA, I’m eligible for parole after serving a third of my sentence. That means twenty more years of listening to the controversy regarding teenage truck drivers. Personally, I don’t see a problem with it. After all, we alr...
  •  Funeral Humor

    Roger Clark
    February 2021
    Back in the early eighties, I moved into a metropolitan funeral home that had a small apartment. In less than a week, I had my first remarkable experience. It seems I had left a back door unlocked one night, and my boss had forgotten to advise police...
  • My Lucky Number

    Roger Clark
    January 2021
    An old timer’s story. The new paratrooper had never jumped from a perfectly good airplane and was just a bit apprehensive. “Don’t worry!” said the jumpmaster, “the static line will deploy your chute!”  But the recruit wasn’t convinced....
  • Giving A Shirt

    Roger Clark
    December 2020
    I was in Baton Rouge, Louisiana a couple years ago delivering a cooling tower to a university. It was July and that means hot and humid. It also means shade is a precious commodity. When the job site foreman arrived, I stepped out of the truck wearin...
  • Covid19 And Russian Roulette

    Roger Clark
    November 2020
    An editor I greatly respect recently penned an interesting, if inflammatory article. Well, okay a lot of what he writes is combustible. But this time he described Americans wanting to resume daily routine as ‘playing Russian roulette’ in a game w...
  • A Likely Story

    Roger Clark
    October 2020
     I’ve been to court a few times in my life, and it’s not like it is on TV. But then, nothing is like it is on TV, including hospital rooms, baseball games, the legal process, and trailer trucking. Just to remain grounded in reality, in fact, I�...
  • Warning Labels Part 2

    Roger Clark
    September 2020
    Trucking and country music have always been tied together, and no one knows, actually, which came first. And while rock & roll is sub-divided into doo-wop, rockabilly, bubble-gum, and novelty tunes, country music has always been, well, country. B...
  • The True Trucker Story

    Roger Clark
    August 2020
    You ain’t gonna believe this, but the company I work for has only three rules:   Stay out of the left lane.   Stay out of the left lane.   Stay out of the left lane.   This works well in computer models, training videos, and safety bulletin...
  • When It All Started

    Roger Clark
    July 2020
     I started my trucking career in 1978 the way we all did back then. The agency manager of a Minneapolis moving company casually tossed me a set of keys. “These belong to a Ford cabover out back,” he said, “hooked up to a 40-foot furniture van ...
  • A Likely Story - Covid19 In My Neighborhood

    Roger Clark
    June 2020
    Like so many others here in flyover country, we’ve been ordered to shelter in place while the Corona virus wings its way around Kansas. We have also been instructed to avoid gatherings, wear masks, and put gloves on. Authorities are issuing these o...

    Roger Clark
    April 2020
    When I get our lawn mower out, pull the sidearm from a holster, or unpack my wife’s hair curler, I always see the warning labels. I’m not a dummy, of course. I know better than to put my feet near the blades, finger on the trigger, or hand around...
  • A Likely Story - DMV, The Great Equalizer

    Roger Clark
    April 2020
    Recently I had the opportunity to see my state taxes hard at work, when I went to renew my CDL. The Department of Motor Vehicles is a study in discrimination. There isn’t any. Whether you’re a minority or majority, rich or poor, CEO or See You La...
  • ​A Likely Story - You’re All Heart

    Roger Clark
    March 2020
    A heart attack was not on my radar but, like many people, I work too hard, walk too slow, talk too loudly, and wait too long. Folks like me spend too much time watching TV, playing the ponies, picking out donuts, and making up our mind at the Golden ...
  • ​A Likely Story - Freeze, You’re Under Arrest

    Roger Clark
    February 2020
    As the severe winter weather plowed through the entire nation during the final week of January, police departments across the country were forced to take drastic action. Who could blame them! Everywhere we looked, coffees got cold and donuts were fre...
  • ​PHANTOM 309

    Roger Clark
    January 2020
    I know a lot of music. I don't know a lot ABOUT music, and didn't major in it, but do enjoy a wide variety of genres. My interest ranges from Big Band to bluegrass, and Doo-Wop to New Age.Recently I came across a YouTube list of the fifty favorite...