Who Says There’s No Such Thing As A Free Lunch? TBS Factoring Service Delivered Free Lunches To Truckers During COVID-19 Pandemic
Responding to a nationwide outcry from hard-working truckers who are having trouble finding open restaurants during the COVID-19 global health crisis, TBS Factoring Service answered the call for help and showed their appreciation and thanks to Professional Truck Drivers by handing out FREE LUNCHES to truckers from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Exit 136 on Interstate 35, on March 20th.
The event, called Sandwiches 4 Semis, was staged at both the North and Southbound ramps of Exit 136 (Hefner), on Interstate 35, in Oklahoma City. Truckers were able to “grab-and-go” a sack lunch featuring a sub sandwich, water and chips, and didn’teven have to exit their cabs to pick up their lunch on the fly.
Nationwide as rest stops and restaurants close, truck drivers are finding it difficult to locate prepared food items and face challenges including parking and access to drive through only locations.
“Truckers are American heroes,” said TBS President Jennifer Lickteig. “If you eat it, wear it, or buy it in a store, a trucker hauled it there. And while most of America shelters in place, truckers are hard at work, putting their own health on the line, making sure we have everything we need to survive in these difficult times. We can’t feed them all, but hopefully this will help draw attention to the problem, and maybe get restaurants to change their short-sighted policy.”
TBS, headquartered in Oklahoma City since 1968, is the nation’s leading provider of cashflow solutions for independent owner-operators. TBS serves truck drivers from coast to coast with financing, compliance, permitting, insurance and fuel programs.