When Struggles Come

Transport for Christ Chaplain
February 2025

The two verses below are special to me because they remind me that I am fallible and have no control over my life. Even though I may think I do. Realizing that, I then need to decide how I am going to respond to that infallibility when struggles come into my life. There really is only two choices. Blame God and try to work them out or trust God.

“Oh, that I knew how to find Him, That I might come to His home!”    (Job 23:3,)

“Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him”  (Job 13:15).

Job sought God in his suffering instead of waving a fist over the feeling of being treated unjustly. The loss of his children, the failure of his business, and the infliction of physical pain, Job chooses to seek God in the middle of his severe trials. Faith is designed by our heavenly Father to be tested by trials and temptations. Untested… it's unfamiliar with the depth and breadth of God’s love and care. Like any relationship, there is only a surface, shallow understanding of one another, until one or both walk through the valley of fear, shame, or loss. Job’s desire is to go home to be with his God, not run away in fear—but run toward in humble trust.

Are you running to the Lord in humble trust or drifting away from Him in fearful distrust? Pause. Pray. Take a deep breath…and believe. Believe your same Savior Jesus who secured heaven for you by His grace is the same Lord Jesus who is in control of your life and circumstances. The Holy Spirit will lead you as you lean into Him, hopeful and aware of His presence to show you one day at a time your next step. God gives you grace for today and hope for tomorrow. Rest. Go deep in intimacy with Almighty God in your time of intense affliction. Immerse in love. 

Remember those who are watching you to see if you live out what you have believed all these years as a faithful follower of Jesus. Use your new reality as an opportunity to gain experience and adapt, not become a victim stuck in your situation. Give genuine attention to those who tirelessly serve and give you attention, not taking advantage of your neediness to totally drain all their energy. Be grateful to God and His children who love and give, so you might live. Live with love. Live with peace. Live with joy. Live with hope. Your life is a living sacrifice of intimate love on the Lord’s altar of affliction. Like Job, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”

“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews12:2)

I don’t know what 2025 will hold for you. But this thing, I am sure. It will not be without its struggles in some form or another. The question is how will you handle them when they come?