Spreading the Word about Truckers Against Trafficking

Megan Magensky, Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association, Director of Communications
June 2024

As more people hit the roads this summer for vacations, there has never been a better time to spread the word about the non-profit organization, Truckers Against Trafficking.

The organization was founded in 2009 and serves a purpose the Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association is proud to promote.

According to Truckers Against Trafficking, or TAT, trafficking has been reported in all 50 states, with victims estimated in the hundreds of thousands.

As traffickers keep their victims on the move, they are traveling the same highways and visiting the same truck stops and gas stations as everyone else, creating multiple opportunities for victim identification. Drivers in the trucking industry are uniquely situated to be the eyes and ears that help bring these victims to safety.

TAT stands committed to educate, equip, empower and mobilize members of key industries and agencies to combat human trafficking.

TAT has a variety of free training resources specially designed for companies and drivers including videos, wallet cards, an app and window decals to show drivers what to look for and how to report. TAT also has a certification program, in which drivers review quick and easy training materials the take a short quiz.

The course covers “Trafficking Red Flags to Look For” and provides a variety of examples, like someone with a lack of knowledge of whereabouts or someone who is not in control of their ID or passport, someone with restricted or controlled communication who is not allowed to speak for themselves, someone who is being watched or followed, a van, RV or vehicle with multiple women in a mainly male area that may be dropping women off and picking them up 15-20 minutes later and more.

The training teaches drivers how to approach someone they think may be a victim with specific questions to ask. Then, steps to contact law enforcement with language to describe what they are seeing.

Over 1.7 million people have been trained by TAT, including every staff member at PMTA.

For more information, or to view the training materials, visit: www.tatnonprofit.org