Scott County, Iowa Opens Newest Industrial Park, Including Iowa’s New Distribution Center

WALCOTT, IA … If you’ve driven north on Scott County Road Y40 near the Iowa 80 Truckstop in the past year, you’ve probably seen the red and tan building in various stages of construction. This building is poised to be Scott County’s newest industrial park, with 251,000 total square feet of warehousing space. For Iowa 80, 117,180 square feet will be used to house trucking accessories for the online trucking accessories superstore, The remaining 128,959 square feet is available for lease or open for third party fulfillment. The warehouse shipped their first order from the new distribution center on January 16, 2024.
The Distribution Center features 10 state-of-the-art loading docks, 33,371 linear feet of racking, 32’ high ceilings, and a fireproof room of 9,400 square feet. It is also fully air conditioned. The building also features two Vertical Lift Modules from Kardex, that are designed to increase capacity with an enclosed shelf-based storage system. This new distribution center for will fulfill orders for online trucking accessory orders, as well as ship product to the brick-and-mortar stores operated by Iowa 80 Group, including Iowa 80 Truckstop, Kenly 95 Petro in Kenly, North Carolina, and Joplin 44 Petro, in Joplin, Missouri. will host a ribbon cutting to celebrate the grand opening of the new distribution center on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at 1:30 PM. Join us at 510 Sterling Drive, Suite A, Walcott, Iowa. Reception to follow.
Iowa 80 Group has been serving the professional truck driver since 1964. We are dedicated to serving the trucking industry and the motoring public and are committed to delivering value to our customers. Operations and affiliated companies include Iowa 80 Truckstop, Walcott, Iowa; Kenly 95 Petro, Kenly, NC; Joplin 44 Petro, Joplin, MO; Truckomat Truck Washes with eight locations; Effingham Chrome Shop, Effingham, IL; StoreChek, 284 Fuel Supply, and CAT Scale Company.