Gearing Up For the 2025 Wheel Jam Truck Show – “Memories of Scot”

Pam Pollock
March 2025

HURON, SD… The 2025 Wheel Jam Truck Show will be held on June 5-8 at the South Dakota State Fairgrounds in Huron, South Dakota.  Entering its 22nd year of existence, this year’s show will be the first one since the death of Scot Marone, the owner of 18 Wheel Truck Productions, LLC, who puts on the show each year.  Scot died on August 28, 2024, from pancreatic cancer.

Scot was in the hospital during the 2024 Wheel Jam Truck Show, but he was adamant that no matter what, ‘The Show Must Go On!” Scot’s fiancée Tracy Bratland Bruns, son Tanner Marone, family members and countless friends made sure that the show went off without a hitch.

I spoke with Tracy earlier this week about the upcoming Wheel Jam Truck Show and she shared with me that last year, when she and Scot were at the Mayo Clinic, he expressed his wish for the show to go on for years to come.  Tracy said, “ Scot blessed me with AMAZING people to help organize and produce the Wheel Jam Truck Show.  Last May, Scot asked Rich Barnes to take over as General Manager of the Wheel Jam Truck Show after he was diagnosed with cancer.  Rich has been with the Wheel Jam Truck Show since the first year so he knows and understands how the show needs to run.   Shanna and Brian Gray, of S&B Alignment, have also stepped up to the plate.  The past couple years, Shanna was helping Scot with getting sponsorships for the show and promoting the show.  Shanna has been doing a phenomenal job with getting sponsorships and promoting the show while also helping with several other aspects of the show!  Shanna’s husband Brian is the guy behind the screen doing all  of the Wheel Jam Truck Show website/Facebook updates/ advertisements.  There are several other people that also make this show happen.  It takes a village to put on the Wheel Jam Truck Show.  We are doing it for Scot .... "The Show must go on… "   

Activities planned for the 2025 Wheel Jam Truck Show include the very popular Dynamic Engine Brake Competition, Judged Show with trophies, Light Show, Show ‘N’ Shine, Trucker meal & Social, Stock Car Races, Car Show, Bike Show, BBQ Championships and a FREE concert with Tony Justice and Long Haul Paul!

In 2023 I interviewed Scot about the Wheel Jam Truck Show.  He was adamant that the Drivers come first.  He stated, “Wheel Jam Truck Show is all about the North American Truck drivers and the truck owners.  We are honored to have Drivers come back to Huron year after year and to also welcome new Drivers. Wheel Jam Truck Show has the best truck drivers in the nation in attendance.  They are very professional.” 

He also had high praise for the 18-Wheel Truck Production, LLC crew for all of their hard work in making Wheel Jam Truck Show the huge success that it is.  “We can’t do this without everyone,” he said.  He also thanked all of the Truck Drivers, Sponsors, and Vendors for their support year after year.

I had asked Scot what his future goals for the Wheel Jam Truck Show were.  His reply was simple, “Keep growing and make the Wheel Jam Truck Show the premier Truck Show in all of North America! We had a lot of post-show comments from our contestants and sponsors/vendors that this is the best show in the country hands down. So this feat should be sustainable with continued growth in the years to come.”

I am confident that Scot’s Legacy of the Wheel Jam Truck Show will continue to grow and thrive in the years  ahead, just as he envisioned.

Interested in attending this year’s Wheel Jam Truck Show? You can pre-register online at or register directly at the show.  Tracy said that the Wheel Jam Truck Show crew is hard at work to make the show a loving tribute and memorial to Scot and they are hoping that drivers will show up and share their “Memories of Scot.”