Follow The Captain Of Your Salvation
Years ago, trains were known by initials rather than from city to city. One was the “S and N.”
If you transfer that over into spiritual life and you are willing to travel on the “S and N” from the Scripture, we might say, “The Straight and Narrow Way.”
Not too many people are willing to go through the straight gate and walk on the narrow way. Many of us want to bring excessive baggage along, habits of life that see harmless but rob the soul of spiritual treasures and the little things we say, like “if I don’t do worse than this, I’ll be alright.”
When we go with God, we have to cut loose from everything else. We must let go and let God have His way. We are all travelers. The important thing is - which road are we traveling on? You can never go back, you can’t travel back. The backtracking can do is in your mind. So far as your travel in concerned, it is forward. We are going on.
Life is a great parade. There are many attractions within it. There are some clowns. There are some worthwhile things in the parade of lie. The parade moves on. We follow the Captain of our salvation, Jesus Christ, our Lord. We are marching under His banner.